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Charting the metallicity evolution history of the Universe

Catania (Italy) on 19-23 September 2022
When Sep 18, 2022 11:00 PM to
Sep 22, 2022 11:00 PM
Where Catania, Italy
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Registration is now open, with the deadline for abstract submission set on the 30th of March.
Scientific Organizing Committee :
Chiaki Kobayashi (University of Hertfordshire, co-chair)
Giovanni Cresci (INAF, co-chair)
Roberto Maiolino (KICC)
Martin Haehnelt (KICC)
Simona Gallerani (SNS)
Nimisha Kumari (STScI)
James Trussler (University of Manchester)
Local Organizing Committee :
Mirko Curti (co-chair, KICC)
Francesco Belfiore (co-chair, INAF)
Steven Brereton (KICC, admin)
Patrizia Braschi (INAF, admin)
William Baker (KICC)
Connor Hayden-Pawson (KICC)
Nicolas Laporte (KICC)
Filippo Mannucci (INAF)
Alessandro Marconi (UniFI)
Joris Witstok (KICC)

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