You are here: Home / Annual Meeting / Abstracts 2022 / Francesca De Angeli (Univ. Cambridge)

Francesca De Angeli (Univ. Cambridge)

The BP and RP low-resolution spectroscopy in Gaia DR3
When Dec 06, 2022
from 09:30 AM to 10:15 AM
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Blue (BP) and Red (RP) Photometer low-resolution spectral data is one of the new products introduced in the third Gaia Data Release. Spectra covering the wavelength range [330,1050] nm are published for almost 220 million objects, mostly brighter than G=17.65. Signal to noise ratio varies significantly over the wavelength range covered, depending on magnitude and colour of the observed objects. This presentation will give an overview of the processing strategies that allow to convert satellite raw data into calibrated spectra, show highlights from the internal scientific validation of the results and offer some recommendations and instructions on the available data products and software tools.