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Alexander J Hackett (Univ. Cambridge)

Thorne- Żytkow Object Envelope Models: A New Equilibrium Structure for Hybrid Stars?
When Dec 05, 2022
from 10:55 AM to 11:15 AM
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Thorne- ytkow Objects (TO) are a class of hybrid stars, originally proposed by Thorne & ytkow (1977), consisting of a neutron star core, surrounded by a diffuse giant envelope. This is analogous to how one may consider the structure of a giant with a degenerate core as a white dwarf embedded in a giant envelope.
Structural and nucleosynthetic models of these objects have not been updated since the models of Cannon et al. 1992/93, all of which are derived from the models of T
. Although these models have been shown to be self-consistent, it would be instructive to re-create these models using the mesa stellar evolution
code, without using the models of T
a priori.
Using a set of central boundary conditions to mimic the presence of a neutron star, we construct a preliminary series of envelope models that may show some marked differences from those models. Our models’ structures show an expanded analogue of the supergiant-like solutions from T
and Cannon et al.
etc, with these solutions being found in a wide range of envelope masses, including in the region where T
found a different, giant-like structure.
We discuss our solutions and the implications of the possible existence a parallel series of equilibrium structures for T
Os. We also discuss the important implications of our structure solutions for possible nucleosynthetic pathways in our models, and the further effects of this on yields of these post-XRB systems,
and on Galactic Chemical Evolution as a whole.