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A new treatment of mass transfer in stellar population algorithms

Giovanni Mirouh (University of Surrey)
When Dec 16, 2020
from 04:30 PM to 04:45 PM
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In binary systems, mass transfer between stars obscures their earlier history. The changes in surface properties are complex and often crudely simplified in stellar population codes.
In this talk, I present a new approach to derive an improved prescription for mass transfer episodes, developed for the binary_c stellar population algorithm. Relying on a dedicated grid of MESA models, I compute the response of the stellar surface to an accretion pulse (that is the injection of mass over a very short time). This yields a map of the mass-radius exponents, that quantify the stability of the transfer, over the whole parameter space.
I will then discuss future developments, to describe episodic accretion as a series of impulses and quantify the occurrence of common-envelope phases or include periastron mass transfer in eccentric systems more accurately.
